Managed Portfolios

BPW Managed Portfolios

Our managed portfolios are multi-asset diversified portfolios investing in a range of high-quality investments.

  • Multi-asset managed portfolios

    Active, diversified portfolio aligned to Lonsec’s dynamic portfolio management framework investing in traditional assets and incorporating alternative assets.

  • Listed Managed Portfolio

    Diversified portfolios aligned to Lonsec’s dynamic portfolio management process across a variety of risk profiles investing largely in a mix of direct equities and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

  • Retirement Managed Portfolios

    Diversified, objective-based portfolios focused on generating income and growth, as well as managing all retirement risks including sequencing, drawdown and inflation.

  • BPW Separately Managed Accounts

    Our listed managed accounts provide a range of portfolio solutions investing in listed securities in the Australian equity sector.

  • CORE Portfolio

    Active, concentrated, low-turnover strategy focused on quality Australian large cap shares with a balance between growth and income.

  • INCOME Portfolio

    Active, concentrated, low-turnover strategy focused and quality yield generating shares with high levels of franking.

BPW’s Investment Philosophy

BPW’s research driven investment approach to portfolio construction is underpinned by four key benefits.